sorze4 hos Coca-Cola Brasil

We are happy to create recipes for sugar-free products, including JustSweet, which tastes like the original with sugar!

It was supposed to be a somewhat informal meeting where the purpose was to chart the way forward, to see if it might be of interest to Coca-Cola to use JustSweet i juice og brus. Litt overraskende var det  når det plutselig ble et 10-talls personer på møterommet. Noen hadde flydd fra Atlanta, USA. Heldigvis har vi dyktige medarbeidere, som Claudia, sorze4’s CSCO og CEO hos JustSweet AS. Our product developer with a master's degree in nutrition, with a master's thesis on obesity and eating disorders (anorexia and orthorexia)

Low-calorie sweeteners, a substitute for sugar, are being researched all over the world.

Intensive research in the area is also taking place at the large soft drink manufacturers, such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

The question then becomes what a small company like ours can do for a huge international company like Coca-Cola? What we can do, as they were able to see, or rather try, is to make a soft drink that tastes like their own, but without sugar (with JustSweet).

From Coca-Cola, the trip goes on Thursday to the soft drink producer in the north-west and in a week, Oslo is on the itinerary.



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