Traceable Green Beans
From Brazil
At a competitive price
Sorze4 AS is your trusted supplier of traceable Brazilian coffee beans. We supply green, unroasted beans primarily to small coffee roasters, our main customer group, but we also offer competitive prices to larger producers (we supply TINE with coffee for their popular iced coffee). This is what makes us unique:
Expertise and Traceability: We possess in-depth knowledge of Brazilian coffee and place a high priority on traceability. Our coffee beans are fully traceable to their origin, which ensures quality and sustainability.
Competitive Price: We offer competitive prices without sacrificing quality. Our aim is to ensure that you get the most for your money.
Specialty coffee with a High Score: We only offer specialty coffees with a cupping score of 82 or higher. This means that our coffee beans are carefully taste tested and evaluated by experts to guarantee a premium coffee experience.
We do not offer “Santos Diamond”: We stand out by not offering the usual Brazilian coffee variety “Santos Diamond”. This type of coffee is often considered a mass-produced commodity coffee that lacks the distinctive taste profile that characterizes specialty coffee. The traceability of this coffee is also questionable, as it can originate from hundreds of different farms with no way to accurately document its origin.
Whole pallets and sacks: Regardless of whether you need large quantities or small lots, we offer full pallets and bags for your comfort. Our Brazilian coffee comes in 30 kg bags.
- Straight from Brazil to customer:
In 2024, we entered into a shipping agreement with Maersk, one of the world's leading shipping and logistics companies. We export coffee from Brazil, and Maersk deliver directly to our customers, which overall provides a more affordable solution for our customers. To get the lowest possible price, the customer pays a few days before arrival and then gets a pallet delivered to their address. Paying in advance a few days before arrival is a prerequisite for getting the lowest possible price, as it gives us no interest costs during a credit period. Customers can, if they are approved for it, get credit for up to 14 days, but then at a higher price.
Traceable Green Beans
Unique Selling Points (USP)
We have more than 20 years of experience buying coffee from Brazil
- Expertise and Traceability: In-depth knowledge of Brazilian coffee and full traceability to the origin.
- Competitive Price: Offers competitive prices without sacrificing quality.
- Specialty coffee with a High Score: Only specialty coffee with a cupping score of 82 or higher.
- No “Santos Diamond”: There are no diamonds in the regular "Santos Diamond" coffee, which many people use. Santos Diamond is a "Filler coffee" and we believe it does not have a distinctive taste profile and it is basically untraceable
- Whole pallets and sacks: Offers both large quantities and small lots, with coffee in 30 kg bags.
- Direct Delivery from Brazil: Freight agreement with Maersk for direct delivery to customers, which provides a more affordable solution.
New Regulation for the EU/EEA
Ordinance on deforestation-free products
The new EU regulation on deforestation-free products, known as the "Deforestation Act", entered into force on 29 June 2023. This law is part of the EU's efforts to combat global deforestation and forest degradation, and it is an important part of the EU's Green Deal.
What does the regulation cover?
The regulation requires companies that trade in certain commodities, such as cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber, soy and wood, as well as products derived from these commodities, to carry out extensive due diligence to ensure that the goods do not originate from recently deforested land or have contributed to forest degradation after 31 December 2020. This also includes ensuring that the products comply with relevant laws in the country of production, including human rights and the rights of affected indigenous peoples.
Who is affected?
- Companies: All operators and traders placing these goods on the EU market or exporting from it must prove that the products do not originate from recently deforested land1.
- Manufacturers: Manufacturers in both the EU and third countries must adapt to sustainable production practices and improve supply chain transparency2.
- Consumers: EU consumers will have access to products that do not contribute to deforestation, supporting global sustainability goals2.
Traceable coffee from Sorze4 AS
Coffee beans from Sorze4 AS is carefully selected to ensure high quality and sustainability. We offer two main types of traceable coffee beans:
Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee
Our Rainforest Alliance certified coffee beans come from farms that meet strict environmental and social standards. This certification guarantees that the coffee is grown in a way that protects forests, improves the living conditions of farmers and their families, and promotes sustainable agriculture. By choosing Rainforest Alliance certified coffee, you help preserve biodiversity and support fair working conditions.
Single Estate (Farmhouse Coffee)
Our Single Estate coffee beans, also known as farm coffee, come from individual farms where each batch can be traced back to its origin. This provides a unique opportunity to experience the specific flavors and characteristics from a single farm. Single Estate coffee gives you an authentic and personal coffee experience, while ensuring full traceability and transparency in the production process.
By choosing coffee beans from Sorze4 AS, you not only get a first-class coffee experience, but you also support sustainable and ethical production methods